

For wedding details please email us: or call to speak with our wedding coordinator.

Amber Severy


Formal Hairdressing (for Medium/Long Hair)
For the Bride$110.00
For the Bridal Party & Guests$90.00
Hot Tools Style
Short/Medium Hair$65.00+
Medium/Long Hair$80.00+
Shampoo Blowout w/ Hot Tools
Short/Medium Hair$75.00
Medium/Long Hair$95.00
Shampoo Blowout
Short/Medium Hair$45.00
Medium/Long Hair$65.00
Children’s Formal Style(10 years and younger)$50.00
Formal Makeup
For the Bride$75.00
For the Bridal Party & Guests$65.00
Artificial Lashes$25.00+
Practice Run For The Bride (2.5 hour appointment to fine to hair and makeup prior to the big day)$150.00

Our stylist(s) may be available to travel to your location. Travel fee is $100.00 per stylist (up to 10 miles from our salon) plus the cost of services. Additional distances can be accommodated but the fee will be increased accordingly.

Salon Opening

We are typically closed Sundays, Mondays, and holidays. If your wedding falls on one of these days there is a salon opening fee of $150 per stylist.

If your wedding requires that the stylist(s) be present prior to normal hours there is a early opening fee of $50 for every 30 minutes per stylist.

Additional Notes
In order to offer quality services our salon has adopted policies for deposits, cancellations, and gratuities. These policies are included in the wedding contract.

The Wedding Coordinator can be contacted for additional details regarding these policies.